Friday, November 29, 2019

Insider epistemology Essay Example

Insider epistemology Essay The view that you have to be one to know one, that to understand a group you must be a member of that group, is known as insider epistemology (Fay, 1996, p. 9). In my work I will try to explain and define this thesis, making it more tangible through the use of examples both of situations for with insider epistemology seems valid and of instances in which group differences have tried to be overcome. I shall then go on to present problems and questions that arise with it; amongst others whether it is at all possible to place people in categories, to what extent we are able to understand anyone but ourselves and, for that matter, whether we can even understand ourselves. Finally, I shall suggest a reconciliation of the thesis with its counterarguments by introducing a more precise definition of the phrase you have to be one to know one. In our society today we tend to take one of two approaches toward people in some way different to ourselves: we either condemn their actions as wrong and try to impose our own viewpoint on them, or we resist judgement by saying that their frame of mind is so substantially different to ours that we couldnt possibly understand and even less criticize their actions. I would like to focus on this second approach. We will write a custom essay sample on Insider epistemology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Insider epistemology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Insider epistemology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Whether we are speaking about youths from troubled backgrounds with an early criminal record, or about a far-off tribe with seemingly strange customs, or about the way of life of monks in the 13th century; the belief is that unless we were there to experience what they did, or unless we belong to their group, we have no way of understanding them. In other words, to know them we must be them, the claim of insider epistemology. Insider epistemology maintains that to know other insiders one has to be an insider oneself (Fay, 1996, p. 9). It is saying that you cannot understand a Muslim unless you are a Muslim yourself, a Russian peasant unless you are a Russian peasant yourself. James I. Charlton speaks of the innate inability of able-bodied people, regardless of fancy credentials and awards, to understand the disability experience (Bridges, 2001). The reasoning is simple: how could you possibly understand a group if you have not grown up in their surroundings and with their experiences? Various literary works illustrate this: Jung Changs Wild Swans, for example, only became such a moving and inspiring account because written by a person who experienced Chinese history of the 20th century first hand. She was able to tell the story of her family in a political and historical context without having to resort to research and second hand accounts. She might have even felt quite offended had an outsider written her story claiming to know exactly how she felt and exactly what she went through; she would probably consider her experiences to be unique and not likely to be truly understood by anyone but her family and herself and perhaps not even by her family because they did not have the exact same experiences as she did. This position that each person has privileged access to his or her own mental states and processes (Fay, 1996, p. 10) is called individual methodological solipsism (Merton, 1972, p. 5) and is a more radical form of insider epistemology. It argues that only I can know my own mind, so I can never know whether experiences and sensations are the same for other people: does the colour red look the same to others (Fay, 1996, p. 10)? Does pain feel the same if experienced by another? A train of thoughts which can make us feel truly lonely indeed! Throughout time there have been a number of attempts to transgress the b oundaries separating groups from each other and go native (Smith, n. d. ). John Howard Griffin painted his face black and travelled through the south of the USA during the height of racial segregation to be able to experience the treatment of a black man (Fay, 1996, p. 13). Liza Crihfield Dalby wanted to write her PhD on the life and experiences of a Japanese geisha, and thought the only way to do this was to live as a geisha in Kyoto for a year (Dalby, 1983). It would seem that by doing this they would be able to gain an insider perspective on the culture and group they were living with? Yet herein lies the illusion: no matter how long they played their insider role, it would remain a role. Their upbringing had instilled in them a set of values and beliefs, by themselves perhaps unrecognized or unacknowledged, but nevertheless existing and fundamentally different to that of the group they were studying. Furthermore, if ever they were to find themselves in a precarious situation, they would always be able to resort back to their original identity, and not have to bare the consequences as a black man or a geisha might. They are able to wear the mask of an insider, but under the mask the outsider stays the same. This can be further illustrated: if we say that the social and cultural world shape a person or groups identity, regarding the fact that society and culture differs hugely from place to place, and insist on the fact that to understand an insider you must be an insider yourself, then we must conclude that any understanding between groups is impossible. This, in turn, would mean that social science would become radically unlike hard science (Smith, n. d. ), because no research would be possible on a neutral and objective basis. In fact, every group would have to be in charge of its own social research, be its own social scientist (Fay, 1996, p. 12). Still, if we are not able understand another group, we would consequently also not be able to understand the research done by an insider social scientist of the other group. Each group would be its own isolated unit and incapable of sharing any knowledge. However, there are problems to be found in using the word group. By picturing a group as a homogenous set of individuals, we are categorizing its members as all being equal and being members of only that group. We are forgetting that categories as broad as women, South American, adopted children, etc. are no indication of individual identity and experiences. Indeed, by placing all adopted children in the same group, we are neglecting the fact that adoption can be a completely different experience for one child compared to another. The differences between members of one group may actually outweigh their similarities (Bridges, 2001, p. 3; Fay, 1996, p. 53) and insiders of groups may insist on a distinction being made between each other, therefore Argentineans might find it offensive to be put in the same category as Bolivians or vice versa. But if we carry these divisions within categories further, then we must distinguish between Argentineans from Buenos Aires and those from Patagonia, in Buenos Aires between the poor and the wealthy, within the poor between the homeless and people living in small shacks, within the homeless between men and women, within men between old and young, and so on until there is no more than one person left for each category which takes us back to the theory of solipsism, that only I can know myself, and therefore to the impossibility of mutual understanding. In social research difficulties may arise as many of the political and ethical dilemmas ( ) stem from the researchers simultaneous occupation of a status as insider and outsider in relation to those they are researching (Charles, 1997, p. 394), since boundaries between groups are never clear-cut. But this evokes the idea that ultimately, if I am the only person left in my category and nobody from outside my category can truly understand me, I must know my own self best, and this idea we must question. For many instances come to mind where we dont really understand ourselves. When writing an exam, for example, we are not conscious of all the thought processes going on within our head and we would have a hard time explaining how we wrote it. Fay writes that the mind does not have an unmediated knowledge of itself (1996, p. 19), meaning that we cannot necessarily interpret the experiences and feelings we have. Similarly I have no detailed recollection of the day my dog was put to sleep, it went by in a blur. Not only did I not have full knowledge of myself on that day but with time it has changed further: my personal account of that day would probably be very inaccurate because tinted by my emotions and patchy with suppressed memories (Bridges, 2001, p. 2). Furthermore, it is well known that a stressed person is the last to realize or acknowledge it, what is needed is precisely a person on the outside a doctor, a parent, a wife to diagnose the symptoms and look at our taken-for-granted experience through ( ) the eye of a stranger (Bridges, 2001, p. ), so from an outsider perspective. Our insider perspective does not necessarily work to our advantage because, as Fay puts it, knowledge of what we are experiencing always involves an interpretation of these experiences (1996, p. 19). Likewise, being a member of a group does not always give us the best knowledge of it. For example, a sports player is not automatically the best sports commentator (Fay, 1996, p. 20), and being a native speake r of a language often means that you have more difficulties explaining grammar rules than a non-native speaker. Merton is his studies found that the judgements of insiders are best trusted when they assess groups other than their own (1972, p. 18). Distance can create better knowledge because it gives a wider view of things: Fay gives the example of Hitlers biographers who were able to understand him not in the sense of being sympathetic toward him but of giving an accurate account of his character and motivations precisely because their distance enabled them to make a connection between internal emotions and external situations (Fay, 1996, p. 24). But how can we reconcile this argument with the one made earlier that Jung Chang was only able to write such an extraordinary account because she was an insider? Maybe the answer lies in that knowledge does not rely solely on whether one is a member of a certain group or not. Knowing something implies that we understand its meaning and have made sense of it, not that we have an empathetic understanding of it. Fay compares making sense of something with trying to decipher a difficult poem rather than trying to achieve some sort of inner mental union with its author (1996, p. 25). Sensitivity and criticality are the relevant criteria to understanding rather than being an insider or outsider to a group whether we are speaking about women, Muslims or Russian peasants. An insider may however be more aware of the issues at hand; he may not have the automatic ability to truly understand but his status might facilitate it. If we really had to be one to know one, most of our world today would become pointless: media, research, welfare, etc. Why be informed about the war in Iraq if we can neither understand the Iraqis nor the soldiers nor the politicians? Why make any judgement, any protest? Because our insider status as human beings gives us the sensitivity to reject violence and suffering, even if we are outsiders on all other factors.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Los Boxers Analysis Professor Ramos Blog

Los Boxers Analysis Colorful underpants set. Female and male pants. The average household does about eight loads of laundry a week (Leverette). Thats about a load of laundry a day, and doing laundry is so common that even author Sandra Cisneros wrote a short story about a person doing laundry after a tragic loss. The main character, who is genderless and nameless, is in the process of doing laundry at a local laundry mat. And as the main character is doing laundry they seem to be talking to themselves, as well as having the occasional conversation with another laundry patron. They seem to be talking about how their spouse that is no longer around, and about the different tasks their partner used to do for them around the house. Almost in a you dont know what you have till its gone sort of way. Los Boxers was one of the shorter stories we read from Sandra Cisneros’ book of short stories Women Hollering Creek. But that does not mean that it dose not have one of the more important lessons that we can learn from the readings. While it may seem odd that the main character is doing laundry and talking to them self, it is the over all message that makes this story stick out so much to me. You dont know what youve got till its gone, and sometimes we need ice cubes to help us get the stains out of our own lives, so we can start clean again.   The main character is both nameless, and genderless. This leaves the story up to interpretation, about who the main character has lost. When I first read the story I assumed that the main character was male, and had lost a female character. However, the reader never really gets to know who the main character is, or how they lost their significant other. We do find out that the main character is missing a female significant other, and uou can really just fell how sad the main character is, and how much this loss is effecting them. As the main character is doing their laundry, they seem to talking to them self about the laundry, and some of the other chores that they were used to them doing while they used to be around. I think that the main character is using the laundry as a way of coping. I think that it is important for the main character to continue to do some of the things that make their life more normal. And if doing laundry makes them think of their significant other in a pos itive light, then I think that it is important for them to continue to do things that make them happy. One of the main scenes that really stuck out to me, was the ice cube scene. This scene, to me, is in a way the main character cleaning up their own life. In the story the main character uses an ice cube to get out a set in stain, and states that their lost loved one used to use ice cubes to help get out statins just like the one he is trying to get out. This is a metaphor for cleaning up their life after the death of his significant other. If they are able to use the ice cube to get out stains, just like the lose of their loved one, then maybe they will be able to get out stains that are keeping them from living their best life after this lose. I think that the main character has always known how to do laundry, but they are just now being faced with the fact at they actually need to be doing the laundry. And in actually doing the laundry, and using the ice cube trick, they are slowly learning how to live their life without their significant other. When the main character is done with the actual washing of the clothes, he goes into ironing the clothes that need to be ironed. The main character states â€Å"Starched and ironed everything.† â€Å"Even ironed los boxers† (Cisneros 132). The main character seems to be laughing at this statement, but then gets more serious when he says â€Å"But now that she’s dead, well, that’s just how life is† (Cisneros 132). This last sentience of the story is really powerful. It really leaves the ending for the reader to decide how they think the story ends. The reader could put their own spin on how the laundry ends, or how the main character feels. When I finished this story, I like to think that the main character is now okay. That the main character will get through this hard time. I hope that the main character will look fondly on all the different cleaning technics that used to drive them crazy when their significant other was around. The age old saying goes you dont always know what you have till its gone. This is a pretty common saying, and Ive heard it mostly said around the concept of relationships. Los Boxers is a short story that gives this phrase new meaning. When our main character loses their female significant other, they are stuck with doing many of the chorus their loved one used to do for them. While doing laundry the main character thinks on some found memories, and also some memories that they used to think were kind of crazy. Id like to think the main character will now look back on their significant other’s ice cube trick as a found memory, and will be able to smile whenever they do laundry from now on. Works Citied Cisneros , Sandra. Women Hollering Creek. 1991 Leverette, Mary Marlowe. â€Å"Amaze Your Friends and Family Even Complete Strangers With Laundry Trivia.† The Spruce, The Spruce, 3 Oct. 2018,

Friday, November 22, 2019

Pizza Hut Restaurants Chain within the UK Analysed with Marketing Mix Assignment

Pizza Hut Restaurants Chain within the UK Analysed with Marketing Mix Elements - Assignment Example After passing several phases, today the chain is one of the well-established pizza chains of the world. Pizza Hut is the world’s leading pizza chain presently operating approximately at 13,000 locations in more than 90 countries. The chain, started by only two brothers, today has links in more than 90 countries across the world with more than 30,000 employees are working day and night (Yahoo Finance). Today it is entertaining more than 171,000 customers by serving 97,000 pizzas per day in the United Kingdom alone. Financially, Pizza Hut is one of the largest pizza chains as in 2007; it sold 35.4 million pizzas in the UK. During 2010, among other companies of Yum, Pizza Hut went from worst to first in its value ratings (Yum Annual Report, 2010). Pizza Hut provides a huge variety of pizza items in different tastes and flavours which is comprised of its flagship Pan Pizza, stuffed crust pizza, Sicilian Pizza, pasta, snacks, and diversified nature of soft, hot and cold beverages. Beside these items, the chain also offers salads, pasta, and sandwiches. The new Pizza Hut branch will operate at Cambridge, therefore, in order to attract the young generation and student of Cambridge University, Pizza Hut is going to introduce ‘Youth Pizza’, one of the most appealing pizza of the company’s history. The main objectives of new Pizza Hut Restaurant are listed below. †¢ To attract the target market by producing innovative products of extra-large size of pizza and other items and make them to remain loyal with the Cambridge restaurant †¢ To collect a fairly healthy amount of revenue so that restaurant remain in competition To catch a preferable double figure profit margin To create an innovative, peaceful, respectful, and enthusiastic working environment To make and maintain strong customer relationships with local community to gain their loyalty on permanent basis 2. Pizza Hut Marketing Mix Pizza Hut will carry out its operations by introducing and developing innovative products in rapidly changing local fast food industry. The new restaurant will invest heavily in research to discover the innovative trends and demands through public surveys and questionnaire. By compiling a substantial database, necessary improvements will be done and therefore Pizza Hut will ensure that it will pay attention to its customers’ need and their demand regularly. A trend of UK customers to eat the pizza food is presented in the chart as Appendix-I while the external and internal factors which may affect the performance of Pizza Hut are discussed in Appendix-II and Appendix-III as PESTEL analysis and SWOT analysis respectively. 2.1 Product Pizza Hut Restaurant has a well sorted plan to launch exclusive products to remain prominent from the style of other competitors of UK fast food industry especially in Cambridge. The menu of Pizza Hut will be centered on a variety of dishes that will include a variety of burgers and pizzas, Cheesy Bites, Stuffed Crust, French fries, chips, snacks, and a variety of sauces and salads. The most

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Physiology and Function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Physiology and Function - Essay Example Peristalsis is the rhythmic segmental contraction and relaxation of the GI tract that helps in propulsion of food. Peristalsis is generally under autonomic control and is further mediated by myentric plexus located between the circular and longitudinal muscle layer. Contraction of these two muscles produces peristaltic waves, normally in a forward direction. Peristalsis plays a different role depending on the location of the GI tract. In the esophagus, it simply propels the food into the stomach. But in stomach, strong peristaltic contractions grind the food and mix it well with the acidic contents of the stomach. In the intestines the peristalsis is slow, providing sufficient time for digestion and absorption to take place (Guyton & Hall, 2000). Bile is produced and secreted by liver but is transported to gall bladder for storage. In the gall bladder it becomes concentrated and is released into the duodenum via common bile duct under the influence of cholecystokinin and vagal stimulation. Bile is composed of water, bile salts, bilirubin, cholesterol, fatty acids, lecithin and other common ions. Bile serves two important functions: assistance in fat digestions and removal of waste products. Bile does not contain any enzymes for digestion of fat but it causes emulsification of fat particles facilitating digestion and absorption in the intestinal mucosa. Bilirubin, a waste product of hemoglobin breakdown is also secreted in the feces via bile (Guyton & Hall, 2000). Saliva is secreted in the oral cavity by various glands such as parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands. Every day these glands produce 800-1500ml of saliva. Saliva has two important components: ptyalin and mucus. Ptyalin is an amylase enzyme that helps in starch digestion, whereas mucus plays an important role in lubricating the food bolus and reducing mechanical friction. Saliva also has one important function of protecting oral cavity from invading

Monday, November 18, 2019

Should evolution be taught in the public schools Essay - 1

Should evolution be taught in the public schools - Essay Example While both sides have valid arguments, the argument for teaching evolution in public schools clearly trumps, because parents have a right to ensure that their child gets the best education possible, and a failure to instruct on evolutionary theory in the public schools clearly undermines this basic right. The theory of evolution, which states that species have evolved over time, is a theory which must be taught in public schools. Lerner (2000) states that there are good standards for what school children should know about the theory, depending upon the child’s grade. He states that children from grades kindergarten to third grade should understand that living things reproduce, and that the offspring may not be exactly like their parents. They should also understand that a living things must grow up or change before reproducing. Another fact that they must learn is that the earth is over four billion years old. When children are between the ages of nine and twelve, they should be taught about how evolution results in competition and survival between and within species, and the factors that go into species survival, such as environmental, predatory and temperature factors. They should also learn that species adapt to different environments, and that genetic variation results in mutations that may help species adapt to this environment. Also, the theory of natural selection should be understood. When a child is between middle and high school, they should know about such concepts as genetic drift, sexual selection and the complex interactions of ecosystems (Lerner, 2000). Evolutionary theory should be taught, despite the objections of religious individuals who object to the theory being taught, for a variety of reasons. The first set of these reasons address why the theory should be taught, despite the objections of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

History of American Education

History of American Education The twentieth century is a century in which major events such as The Great Depression, rights for minority, two world war and rise and fall of radical politics that which shapes a better American society in the present day. One of the advancements that made modern American today would be education and life in American universities. Historian Frederick Rudolph wrote a comprehensive history of American higher education that became one of the standard in the field and published the book titled The American college and Universities. It describes how American education system had shaped over the twentieth century. It explores a wide range of issue from education curriculum, how institutions finance in activities and programs to the education of immigrants, blacks and women. ÂÂ  During twentieth century, American especially teenagers from all walks of life had a one question in mind when comes to the idea of university in the United States which was, What should the American university be? [1]The university idea was a configuration which was far more complex than it seems, it involves financial resources, a wide range of agencies, public and private sectors to shape it. The book mentioned the complexities of college life due to events happening in America and the rise of college athletics. It gave a narrative review from historical bibliography on American college and the author Frederick Rudolphs own perspective on development of higher education in United States. The topic of education in America gave a huge and serious debate to improve to encourage a cohesive environment for all. The author questioned on the consequences have in American college and universities that have developed. He writes as a national educator historian, and he aware of how federal and state policies including religious differences effects on the intitutions.2 From the class material, progressive thinker such as John Dewey mentioned that a comprehensive system of education was important for a democracy nation to be successful. Progressives thinkers believed that it was a necessity for compulsory education and they worked hard to improve and expand education at all levels. These reformers reform numerous aspects of education such as standardization of testing, avoid corporal punishment and emphasized on equal education standard for both genders. They transformed education to be a driving force in modernizing the society and create great leaders regardless of race and gender. College was early recognized as an agency for economic and social mobility for the young adult. It coincides with the beginnings of feminism which one of the main goal was to give equal rights to education for women in United States. The higher education of women was a success. By 1950, there were about half a million women in the college as compared to a mere less than 100,000 back in 1900. It also gave the women to understand and exercise their social responsibilities and importance of voting. A study in 1935 had shown that 62% of women graduated from college voted as compared to less than 50% of women who did not attend higher education. Women were encouraging to take electives that are deemed feminine such as teaching or home economics.[3] However, there were still negative thoughts of women in higher education. An example will be Dean Briggs of Harvard, which he suggested that the movement for collegiate education for women may cause danger in intellectual unrest and deemed wome n will lost their role as a housewives or mother in later life due to high accomplishments. The employment rate of women significant increases with more women got higher education.[4 ]The author did not discuss during the Great Depression period of women education when fathers and husbands resented their wives and daughters to take over breadwinning roles which may be an effect from women getting higher education. From the class material, due to high unemployment rates among the men during Great Depression, there were states laws that which causes 10 million women to be fired from the job and Social Security pension system exclude certain female dominated occupations. This may cause a decline in women enrolled to higher education due to setback and little opportunity to advance during the Great Depression. The higher education main idea during twentieth century for the education of women will be established a college where the dignity of faculties and charm of the highest literary c ulture may be acquired by women without loss to womens crowning glory of grace and gentleness.[5] During the 1920s, American college and universities had discovered something that students cared about passionately due to the rise of American football. To satisfy the students, universities build foot field house that is big enough to handle a football game and creating banners and motto for the football team.[6] It was also a solution to integrate ethnic minorities into a game to ease racial tension. Not only that, football drew a huge enthusiasm among the ladies to support their team as compared to intercollegiate baseball. Inclusive of ethnic minorities into a college team will help in progress of race relation. The author continuing mentioning on how each university fund the American football and the enthusiasm of the ladies comparing American football to gladiators.[7] From the class material, Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play baseball in major leagues since 19th century, resulting numerous ethnic minorities to follow the footstep of Robinson. However, they faced obstacles, such as off-field discrimination and often will not be chosen to play for major matches. Education played a huge role in American society during the mid-twentieth century. After Word War 2, population in United States dramatically increased with a baby boom. In 1944, the American Congress passed the GI bill which provides subsidies for veterans to attend colleges and universities. Millions of veterans took advantage of the opportunity resulting in drastically increased in number of people in college. This resulted in higher education to experience a huge increase in enrollment of students and graduates in the1950s. Frederick Rudolphs bibliography had given me an understand of American higher education from nineteenth century till the twentieth century and how university such as Harvard, Yale or Michigan finance their institute, their policies and the development of curriculum to the ethnic minorities and women and rise of sports in the college. This book gave information of the beginnings of education, complications the higher education institutions had faced and how the how higher education institutions overcome it, be carefully documented using numerous secondary blogography. By narrowing down to history of American education, it really gave a brief idea of how the periods in twentieth century affects the college and university policies and complexities of the students. It could be better categorizing chronological by year and the events happening around United States, to show how America higher education had progress over the years. It will help readers to better understand the progress and materials of the book.ÂÂ   The materials will be better if there were demographic and statistical analyses to connect education history to the social history of America, such as how The Great Depression causes women to lose its employment and education rights. Given the fact that this book was based on numerous secondary bibliographic with inordinate reliance of institutional histories, the author did a splendid work in convincing the readers in important historical perspective on the development of colleges and universities in United States. The author minimizes biasness, cross referencing numerous sources and summarizing history of American higher education in great details. [1] RUDOLPH, FREDERICK, and JOHN R. THELIN. The American College and University: A History. University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.357-58. 2 RUDOLPH, FREDERICK, and JOHN R. THELIN. The American College and University: A History. University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.368. [3] RUDOLPH, FREDERICK, and JOHN R. THELIN. The American College and University: A History. University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.310-11. [4 ]4 RUDOLPH, FREDERICK, and JOHN R. THELIN. The American College and University: A History. University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.325. [5] RUDOLPH, FREDERICK, and JOHN R. THELIN. The American College and University: A History. University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.328. [6] RUDOLPH, FREDERICK, and JOHN R. THELIN. The American College and University: A History. University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.374 [7] RUDOLPH, FREDERICK, and JOHN R. THELIN. The American College and University: A History. University of Georgia Press, 1990, p.391.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay -- Diversity Management, Cul

"We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion." -- Max de Pree Workplaces today have become increasingly diverse with employees of different genders, races, cultures, ethnic origins, and lifestyles. Changes in the cultural make-up of organizations have been so vast that it has become imperative for leaders and supervisors to understand cultural diversity and how it can affect their organization. By understanding how this diversity can affect their organization, leaders are taking steps to assure a conflict-free environment and are helping promote positive outcomes for the business, as well as its employees. â€Å"Diversity today is being viewed as a key means to strengthen the human capital of an organization and improve overall performance† (Bowes, 2007/2008). Studies have shown that diverse workforces can positively affect and strengthen the organization, but what can organizations do to assure this type of environment? What programs or tools do leaders need to implement when looking to improve their ability to manage this diversit y? The main purpose of this research paper will be to explore what methods organizations and leaders can use to successfully manage increased cultural diversity within the workforce. This research will reflect not only why it is important for organizations to embrace the differences in a diverse workplace, but will discuss the consequences that may occur if they do not incorporate effective methods for addressing a multicultural population. A clear discussion of the educational tools used in this project ... ...y and its impact on the interaction level within the nursing workforce. Dissertation Abstracts, DAI-B 67/12, Jun 2007 (AAT 3246919), Abstract. Web. 15 May. 2015. Hendricks, E. (2005, November 6). It’s Good for Business: Diversity: helps companies better serve customers. The Provience, p. A.42. Web. 21 May. 2015. Spiers, C. (2008, Summer). The Business Benefits of Diversity. Management Services, 52(2), 26, 5pgs. Web. 18 May. 2015. Walton, S. J., M.A. (1993, May). Cultural Diversity: An asset, Not a Liability. R & D Innovator, 2(5), 37. Web. 27 May. 2015.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Educating Inmates: They Are Still Human Too Essay

Introduction We live in a modern society that still hold traditional morals and beliefs. Prisoners are seen as inhumane animals who bring nothing but misery and cruelty to the world. An education is one of the most important things one may ever receive in their lives. One can no longer gain any type of employment without a high school education and even college hours, so why would society care to hold anyone back from getting an education? Prisoners are having a hard time receiving education in the prison system today. No one seems to care or support prisoners in the challenging process it takes to change their lives. County jails do not offer education programs, and in prison facilities there are many limitations and restrictions that make receiving the sub-par education that they offer a challenge to receive. An evaluation needs to take place to determine the crux of education limitations are in prison. There are many people who have been to prison or who have family and friends who have been to prison and have some sense of understanding as to the challenges inmates face. Who is standing up and being the voice for inmates who rarely are heard, and who is pushing the envelope against society and stressing the importance of education. Inmates who will be released one day must have a backup plan other than a life of crime, so their needs to be a system or program in place to reform inmates before their release. Background In researching about education everything found seems to enhance the knowledge on education in prison. It has become astoundingly clear that society does not promote a positive change for people who are incarcerated. Society has an outdated view of people incarcerated and do not seem interested in changing it. No one plans life with the idea in mind that  prison will be a part of it. With family and friends who have been incarcerated, I will be the first one to say that not all imprisoned people are innocent, but mistakes do happen. Society feels that bringing education into the correctional system is a waste of time and effort. Many students feel that inmates should not be offered for free what they have to pay for, but what most people do not realize is that not only do the inmates pay for education just like most, but they are also receiving a below average education. Although education has been in the prison system for over a century, society deters from education socially, pol itically, and economically (Palmer, 2012). In the long run however, it creates more setbacks for an inmate upon release seeing as though many jobs require post-secondary education. The decision to evaluate education in the prison system is to get a better understanding as to why there is not a nationwide push on inmates bettering themselves and staff support to follow as well. There are several barriers that prevent inmates from successfully completing programs while incarcerated. Some factors are due to environmental circumstances and other factors are due to personal circumstances. Conflicts between officers and inmates as well as transfers can lead to inmate’s incompletion of their education program. Also inmates who are released have no after plan set up between them, the prison system, and other sources to assist with the completion of an education started while incarcerated. There is no assistance for released inmates that encourages them to continue pursuing education. Psychological disorders and the stress of s chool itself may lead to an inmate dropping out or incompletion of the program. When inmates become depressed or discouraged they give up and education falls to the bottom of their list of priorities. Mental disorders that inmates receive medication for, may affect their ability to learn and the stress of how to cope and manage may cause an inmate to quit rather than deal with the obstacles at hand. Economic barriers such as funding and limitations in academics and teachers also prevent inmates from starting or completing a program. Despite the barriers that restrict education in the prison system, the government and society ultimately fail to realize that more education inmates receive the more the cost for prison funding decreases. When the Federal Pell Grant was introduced there was a relief and an increase in enrollment for inmates  because they could now afford tuition, but some political figures did not agree. Politicians tried a hand at a fear tactic where inmates were perceived to be unrepentant people who would continue to commit crimes all of their l ives so why educate them and waste money. The tactic worked and in 1994 a law was passed that took federal funding out of prisons and caused many prisons to close their education departments, an estimated 350 programs decreased to 10 or less. Many courts have helped to hold merit behind politicians tactics because many courts have also deemed education in prison has no constitutional entitlement and therefore does not have to be enforced or supported (Lockard et al., 2011). In the 21st century, despite all obstacles, enrollment for post-secondary education has steadily increased. Another factor that prevented inmates from enrolling in classes was that when the federal funding was in the prison system was that inmates who were over the age of 35 were ineligible and inmates who were convicted on drug related charges. It seems as if there are many obstacles that are preventing inmates from receiving education and not many people are fighting to change it. Education in the prison system not only helps inmates but it reduces inmate misconduct as well. Inmates who were educated prior to incarceration and continue education while incarcerated are more likely to keep their behavioral problems to a minimum. An education not only b uilds someone up mentally, it builds self-esteem and self-worth. Denying someone an education in prison becomes just the premise of a bigger mental denial that they will deal with long after they are released. Inmates get a sense of confidence that being incarcerated can sort of strips someone of. An education helps an inmate to think reasonably and acutely of what they are doing before their behavior takes a turn for the worse and not only lengthens their sentence, but start a habit of destruction. An educator believes that whether the inmate is enrolled to pass time or build up their resume for employment upon release hopefully someone will learn something useful and take that away with them and that it will be valuable to them later on in life (Rafay, 2012). There is a belief that making sure an inmate leaves prison more well of than they came should be a moral obligation that officers have. Everyone should want to reduce crime and improve the overall quality of life for everyone. Receiving an education while incarcerated also helps decrease the likelihood that a person while be subject to re-arrest  once they are released from prison. There are also several outside barriers that prevent education from being introduced into the correctional system. Factors such as academic curriculum and prison facility guidelines prevent inmates from getting an education, not to mention that the United States is lagging behind every other country in education in prison programs (Lockard et al., 2011). The teachers may also have a problem with the consistent bag searches and invasion of privacy. Inmates who may struggle with learning are not afforded the opportunity to have extended time after class to intimately receive further assistance. The education programs that are offered limited to sub-par classes that can be received from community college and the most they can leave prison with is an associate’s degree. Also, inmates who are held in the jails are never affo rded the opportunity to get and education. County jails don’t have educational programs, but ironically an inmate can spend majority of their sentence in a county facility. Due to overcrowding in prisons, pre-trial, sentencing and violations many offenders spend a lengthy time in jail and are released with not so much as a GED to show that they attempted to change their old behavior. An evaluation needs to be conducted to determine why there is such a carefree and careless attitude among society when it pertains to incarcerated human beings receiving and education. There does not seem to be enough advocates in America who are pushing to make sure that incarcerated humans are released with a better quality of life than the one they had upon arrest. There is no difference between someone incarcerated and someone in the â€Å"free world† except a mistake. Liberty and justice for all does not just apply to the law but for equality among all of society no matter the circumstance. Everyone deserves to receive education and the opportunity to turn their lives around. Why does it seem as if no one cares enough to stress the subject enough? Methods A questionnaire should be sent to 20 random citizens of random gender, age, and ethnicity in the top 5 metropolitan areas of the U.S. (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, and Washington D.C.) to gauge society’s opinion of education in the prison system. It should have questions that will help the evaluator understand exactly how people feel about why they do  or don’t support education in the prison system and their ideas on what can be done to change or fight to keep the current program in place. I also believe that the questionnaire should be 3-5 pages long and leave room on the last page to allow each person to give their own feedback. The data should be collected by an assigned to one elected person in each city (particularly someone who works in an prison in the city with a high position of power) and reviewed, documented, and summarized, then submitted to the researcher to be reviewed. The questionnaire should be designed with no bias in mind, but to gain an understanding on why society does or does not support education. The results should reflect that society is now becoming modern and accepting that inmates should receive education as if they were in the free world. The information should be reviewed by the board of education for the prison facility and make an effort towards implementing the ideas that they have received from society. It may be easier for the Board to absorb feedback from society because it is a general census compared to inmates whose intentions may or may not be for the best. The only concern that can be foreseen is that the 20 random citizens will not be able to provide the Board of Education for the prison facility with enough similar feedback to gather a general and collective consensus on how society feels. Discussion Americans have traditional values when it comes to how society works and a general consensus of what is moral and just. Education is seen as the ultimate strive that one makes to become better in life, and one of the most important things needed to succeed in life. Prisoners are seen as cruel inhuman beings who have no care or empathy for anyone or anything, so naturally society would feel that inmates only want to do their time and be released to commit more crime. Inmates are human though as well, and they desire the same things as anyone else. An education should be provided for them just like it is provided for citizens who are not incarcerated, and inmates need someone to stand up and fight for them to receive just that. References Lahm, K. F. (2009). Educational Participation and Inmate Misconduct. Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation, 48(1), 37. Lockard, J., & Rankins-Robertson, S. (2011). The Right to Education, Prison-University Partnerships, and Online Writing Pedagogy in the US. Critical Survey, 23(3), 23-39. Palmer, S. M. (2012). Postsecondary Correctional Education. Adult Learning, 23(4), 163-169. Rafay, A. (2012). An â€Å"Impossible Profession†? The Radical University in Prison. Radical Teacher, (95), 10-21. Sedgley, N. H., Scott, C. E., Williams, N. A., & Derrick, F. W. (2010). Prison’s Dilemma: Do Education and Jobs Programmes Affect Recidivism?. Economica, 77(307), 497-517.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Women Rights in Islam

Women rights in Islam Outline Introduction Background Equal rights of men and women in Islam Social rights .right to get education .right to accept or reject marriage proposal .right to get divers .right to secrecy .right to just treatment in case of polygamy .right to entertain and dine out .right to demand separate house .right to deny doing all the chores of home .right to dress Economic rights .right to Inheritance .right to ownership .right to dowry .right to maintenance (Iddah, child upbringing) .right to seek employment .right to do business Legal and political rights right to be equal before law .right to witness .right to vote .right to work on legal and political positions Conclusion Women rights in Islam Holy prophet (S. A. W) said, â€Å"Among you the most respectable is the one who respects women and the most disrespectable is the one who disrespect the women. † The above instruction of holy prophet (S. A. W) declared the ground of honor and respect for a person i n Deen-e-Islam . Islam gave women an honorable life and ignite the light of rights in her life. Before Islam women were extremely deteriorated by the society.Arabs used to bury their daughters alive, wives were harshly beaten, step mother became legacy of eldest son and the sisters were given as a compensation for any sin of her family. Islam abolished all these dark practices and made the paradise under the feet of mother, guaranteed paradise to a father who brought up her daughters with love, assured paradise to the husband who care her wife and made sisters partners in the inheritance. Today Muslim woman is facing problems not because of lack of her rights in Islam but due to the male driven and illiterate society.Islam promised women respect, honor and safety before and more than any other religion, civilization and moderation. Islam gave women all rights to women before 15 centuries which any one can expect in today’s highly modern world. The sad pages of history only pr esent crying voices and tears of women that break the heart the reader. All the big civilization of their time including Hubsha, Byzantine, Room, Greece, Egypt, China, Hindustan and Arabian Penusiuala ruined the women under the feet of brutality.Those who are claiming themselves the leaders and providers of women rights in today’s world were in fact the real usurper of women rights from centuries. Women In these civilizations struggled so hard and fight for her rights centuries and centuries even than their male dominant leadership never gave them rights until they need them. After the two world wars when men strength became insufficient in forces and in the other fields of life then they brought women out of house and used her for their different purposes on the name of women rights.Let’s have a look on the dates of rights givers as a prove US in 1920,British in 1918,France in 1944,Norway in 1907,Sweden in 1921,Belgium in 1919,Japan in 1945,Netherland in 1919 and so o n. Whereas Islam gave all social, economical, political and legal rights to the women long before fifteen (15) centuries. Everyone knows Islam claim that it is a complete code of life. Therefore Islam is not only complete code of life for men it is also complete code of life for women. It gives equal rights to men and women. It is very important for everyone that there is big difference of meaning between the words â€Å"equal† and â€Å"same†.As women and man cannot same physically so there rights can also not same due to their duties but they have equal rights on or the other way. This equal terminology can also be explain by taking a very simple example. There are two students in class one called Saeed scored 4 in economics,3 in political studies and 3 in social studies and another called Sadia scored 2 in economics, 4 in political studies and 4 in social studies. Saeed got (4+3+3)=10 and Sadia got (2+4+4)=10,that shows both Saeed and Sadia scored equal marks that i s total 10 but they score different marks in different areas.It illustrates the real meanings of equal and its similar to the meaning of equal rights of men and women in Islam. If father has more rights and responsibilities economically than women then mother has more rights and responsibilities that balance their rights in all circumstances. For further classifications of women rights in Islam, let’s discuss them under different heads such as social, economic, legal and political. Starting from the social, holy prophet (S A W) said â€Å"Education is mandatory for men and women. † The above hadith does not discriminating gender that means it is not only mandatory for men but also for women.Therefore no body restricts her from getting education. Its her right to get same education as her brother gets. Holy prophet (S A W) said â€Å"You have to get education even its available in China. † Again there is no discrimination of gender in above hadith. If a boy can g et education by traveling long distance then girl can also. She has right to go to school and mosque. If women had right to go to mosque for getting education and offer prayers during the period of holy prophet (S A W) and Caliphate than why not she has this right in today’s modern world. Hazat Ayasha(R.A) was the teacher of 8000 companions and she was expert of history, medicine, hadith, literature and law. Once a lady came to Holy prophet (S A W) and said that she was forcefully married   by her father and she is not happy with her husband, the Holy prophet (S A W)   dissolved her marriage then and there and emphasizes for marrying couples by their consent. Above hadith validating the consent of females before marriage and made it compulsory for all Muslim parents. She can also demand to see the person before her marriage and she can also talk to him in the presence of her legal blood relative.Once hazrat Aysha (R. A) showed desire to see the ongoing circus in the stree t. Holy prophet (S A W) happily replied to her that she can hide herself at the back of holy prophet (S. A. W) and then watch the circus. Aysha(R. A) did this and enjoyed the circus as long as she can stand there when became tired she went back to home. The Holy prophets (S A W) stand there more than an hour for her entertainment. This hadith is highlighting very kind treatment of Holy prophet (S A W) to his wife. It also emphasizes the right of entertainment to women.Some people having wrong perception that Islam binds women in the walls of house and she has no right to come out for any purpose. In fact this is opposite of Islamic teachings. It is also her right that she should be treated with love by her husband. Al-Quran â€Å"You and your wives are dresses of each other. † Therefore it is women right that she should be entertained by her husband. Once Holy prophet (S A W) said to one of his companion â€Å"Why not you get marry so that you can play with your wife and she can play with you. †It is making clear that it’s not matter of disrespect or against the sobriety of men or matter of hummer if he entertains his wife. Dinning out or going out for outing with wife is also encouraged in Islam. It is also women right that she should be taken out by her husband for outing or for dinning. Once an Iranian companion of Holy prophet (S A W) who was a very good cook cooked some food and came to Holy prophet (S A W) house for inviting him. Holy prophet (S A W) asked â€Å"can Aysha (R. A) also come with me. † Because of any reason companion replied† no she can’t. † Holy prophet (S A W) also replied â€Å"then I also cannot†.Companion invited Holy prophet (S A W) three times and got same answer from the Holy prophet (S A W) . At last companion said â€Å"yes she can also come with you† then Holy prophet (S A W) accepted invitation and brought her for dinner along him. Therefore bringing wife to dine out i s not only encouraged but also SUNNA of Holy prophet (S A W). In addition, to demand separate house for living is also right of wife from his husband. If she does not like to live with the family of her husband then she has complete right to live with her husband in a separate place. Many cruel of our male driven society are considering this right against their ago.So often instead of fulfilling this true right of wife they give diverse or beat their wives for forcefully living with their family like a servant which is completely against Islamic teachings. Furthermore, Islam is not binding women to cook food to do crockery or to wash clothes of her husband. If she refuses to do all this then its not making her guilty in the eyes of almighty ALLAH. But yes, she might be very guilty in the eyes of her husband who brings her for doing all these services for him. Many of Muslim women love to do all these services for their husbands, so their husbands must be thankful for their wives.Sub sequently, human being is used to make mistakes. So if there is any conflict arises between husband and wife then husband needs to resolve it first only by consulting her wife. In case matter could not solved by both of them then they need to bring any other family member for consultation. Secrecy is also immensely important for the matrimonial relation of couple. It is duty of husband to keep all secrets of bed relation with her wife. Holy prophet (S A W) said, â€Å"The person who shared his wife bed relations with anybody, he is the worst man and he cannot get even the smell of paradise. Similarly, when conflict between husband and wife became bone of contentions and seems unsolvable. In this case if wife no more wants to live with her husband then she has right to get diverse. In case husband is not willing to give diverse she can consult court for getting diverse. Further, in case of polygamy Islam teaches full justice, equal and fair treatment to all waives. Practically this is very hard for a men to keep completely fair balance between all wives therefore it is highly recommended if he is not strong enough financially, physically and morally then he should not gets married even with a single woman.If anyone has more than on wife and he could not maintained just and fair treatment among all wives then he is severely treated by almighty Allah at the Day of Judgment. Adding to it, growing age of fashion makes many minds ultra modern. Now husband wants to look his wife as a model and he forced her to wear dresses according to fashion. In this case Muslim women has right to wear all these dresses which are according to Islamic dress code while going out of house. If her husband forced her to do so she can refuse to her husband to wear any vulgar dress which is against the teachings of Islam.Allah almighty knows all strength and weaknesses of his creatures. He made women physically very sensitive and weak than man. Therefore he shifted all the financial burd en of women on men’s shoulder. When she is daughter she is duty of her father. If father died she becomes duty of her brother. When she is wife she is duty of her husband and when she is mother she is duty of her son. In this way she can live her life very comfortably and can take care of house easily. God assigned all the financial requirements of women as a duty of men but even then he does not make women empty hand in economical rights.Before Islam there was no concept of inheritance for women. Islam gave right to women in the inheritance. Women have half of the part as men have in parent’s properties. This does not mean she has half right than man. But as it is mentioned above she does not have any financial responsibility to fulfill as the men have. Therefore she can save or invest her part of the property for her future and making profit. It is also very clear in Islam that her husband can demand a single penny from her wife and she not bound to give anything to anybody. In addition to she can buy property on her own name as a legal person.She can possess property without anybody’s interference. She has complete right on her property as she can sale it, rent out it and can give it to anyone as a gift. Furthermore, wife has right to get dowry from her husband before establishing matrimonial relations. Husband is bound to give her wife dowry at the time of marriage. When Allah almighty created Eve (R. A) for Adam (R. A) . Adam (R. A) was attracted towards Eve (R. A) and wanted to touch her. At that time Allah almighty said to Adam (R. A) that He should not touch her without paying her dowry. One more thing needs attention here that Islam did not fix any maximum limit of dowry.Husband can give whatever maximum he can give to his wife. In region of Hazrat Ummer(R. A) he forward a bill in the parliament for fixing the maximum limit of dowry. That bill was challenged by a female parliamentarian and she said nobody can fix the maximum limit of dowry if Allah himself did fix it. Hazrat ummer(R. A) asked her that why it couldn’t be fixed. She quoted the holy Quran â€Å"If husband gave her wife bundles and bundles of wealth as dowry even then he cannot demand anything after diverse. † Hazrat ummer (R. A) said that she is right and today men made a mistake and women corrected him.Subsequently, maintenance is also on the shoulder of men at her stages of life. Father, brother, husband and son has to give her food clothes and other needs of life respectively. Holy prophet (S A W) said, â€Å"Anyone who brought her daughters with full care and then merry them. He is as close to me as my two fingers. † Maintenance of x-wife is also husband responsibility during the period of Iddah. Some of Islamic scholars agreed that husband has to fulfill his x-wife’s maintenance until her second marriage. In case if any childe from her x-husband then it is also responsibility of child’s father.Moreover, s he has right to seek employment. If she wants to do a job and if society needs her then Islam give her full right to seek employment. But if she doesn’t want to do the job then nobody can force her to seek employment. Similarly she has the right to do business and to trade things in order to earn finance. Hazrat Khadija(R. A), Wife of Holy prophet (S A W) said, was the famous business lady at that time. Apart from social and economic securities in Islam, women have also legal and political securities. In the eyes of law she is as legal person as a man. she can be witness but her witness is half of man.It is not because she has half right as an human but due to her sensitive and shy nature. In fact God made her half responsible than man in all legal witnesses. Similarly she has right to vote from first election of Islam. After the election result of hazrat usman(R. A). Hazrat usman(R. A) and hazrat Ali (R. A) got equal votes. Therefore Hazrat abur Rahman bin Auf was appointed as a chief polling agent and assigned the task to get votes of men and women. He did this work three days and ultimately hazrat usman (R. A) elected. Above event proved that women were having the right to vote from the beginning of Islam.Adding to it, women used to work at different legal positions from the start of Islam. During the period of Holy prophet (S A W) women worked in different sectors such as in wars and in hospital. Hazrat Ummer (R. A) appointed hazrat Shifa(R. A)as an administrator and account officer for the market. Hazrat Usman(R. A) made hazrat umm-e-kulsoom an ambassador and sent her to Room. Women has right to be consulted as other family members have right to be consulted. Many people believe that it is folly to act or listen women advise in fact they themselves are disbelievers and unaware to the sunna of Holy prophet (S A W).At the event of Hudabiya Holy prophet (S A W) have consulted hazrat umm-e-Salma and acted on her advice to move on. By summing up the who le discussing it can be said that Islam is the first sun that embrace women with light of all social, economical, legal and political rights before 15 centuries. It is very unjust if anybody is blaming Islam for the present state of suppresses women. In fact it is not Islam to be blamed it is because of forgetting the teachings of Islam. In khutaba hijtul Weda, the Holy prophet (S A W) said, â€Å"O, people fear from Allah in the matter of women, treats them carefully and fairly as Islam teaches you. †

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember The events that took place on September 11, 2001 shocked many people. No American would ever believe that on that day terrorists would take our planes and fly them into our buildings. The terrorists succeeded in crashing three of our planes into our own buildings, but thanks to the passengers on flight 93 they would not crash another plane into our buildings. The passengers on that flight were determined that their plane would not have the same fate as the other three. As the other three flights were crashing into their targets, passengers aboard flight 93 were aware of what was taking place. They had talked to their families and friends on the phone and knew that their hi-jacked plane was probably headed for another American Building. As the passengers found out about what was happening they knew that they were going to have to try and stop the terrorists. So, they set out a plan to try and stop the plan that the terrorists were trying to complete. The ordinary peo ple aboard that plane were going to have to risk their own life to try to take back the plane that had been hi-jacked. Investigators are unsure of exactly what happened aboard flight 93; however, they do know a group of passengers said â€Å"let’s roll† right before the plane crashed in Pennsylvania. They do not know the intentions of the terrorists on flight 93, but could only speculate that the plane was headed for Washington D.C. and maybe even the White House. Thanks to the passengers aboard flight 93 the terrorists would not even come close to making their terrible plan complete. We usually think of a hero as a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life (American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition). I do not believe there is a better word to describe those who tried to prevent what was happening aboard flight 93.... Free Essays on A Day to Remember Free Essays on A Day to Remember A Day to Remember The events that took place on September 11, 2001 shocked many people. No American would ever believe that on that day terrorists would take our planes and fly them into our buildings. The terrorists succeeded in crashing three of our planes into our own buildings, but thanks to the passengers on flight 93 they would not crash another plane into our buildings. The passengers on that flight were determined that their plane would not have the same fate as the other three. As the other three flights were crashing into their targets, passengers aboard flight 93 were aware of what was taking place. They had talked to their families and friends on the phone and knew that their hi-jacked plane was probably headed for another American Building. As the passengers found out about what was happening they knew that they were going to have to try and stop the terrorists. So, they set out a plan to try and stop the plan that the terrorists were trying to complete. The ordinary peo ple aboard that plane were going to have to risk their own life to try to take back the plane that had been hi-jacked. Investigators are unsure of exactly what happened aboard flight 93; however, they do know a group of passengers said â€Å"let’s roll† right before the plane crashed in Pennsylvania. They do not know the intentions of the terrorists on flight 93, but could only speculate that the plane was headed for Washington D.C. and maybe even the White House. Thanks to the passengers aboard flight 93 the terrorists would not even come close to making their terrible plan complete. We usually think of a hero as a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life (American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition). I do not believe there is a better word to describe those who tried to prevent what was happening aboard flight 93....

Monday, November 4, 2019

Audit Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Audit Report - Essay Example It therefore means all sectors as well as households have to play a role in order to achieve that goal. This environmental audit report is based on an environmental review of my household which is a flat. The review took place between the periods July 4 and July 17, 2011. Everything that is done in the household has an impact on the environment. Electricity is used for energy in the household. It provides lighting and heating and provides energy to operate appliances. Electricity contributes to the emission of greenhouse gas which has a negative impact on the environment. Waste from household activities also contributes to the emission of greenhouse gas in the environment. All of these activities result in climate change which affects all of us. Water is a scare resource and the way it is used in households has an impact on environmental pollution which is just one of the consequences of climate change which is due also to the irresponsible consumption of water (Household Water Audit ). Overview of household activities My household consists of three (3) persons, two of whom go out to work from Monday and Friday. I attend university and so I am hardly at home during the days. We are scarcely at home for a full day on Saturdays. However, we spend some time cleaning and washing before leaving home for various activities including shopping and entertainment. Saturdays and Sundays are the only days we prepare breakfast and dinner. The microwave is used to prepare meals each morning and each evening for a approximate 20 minutes each day from Monday to Friday. Our waste from Monday to Friday each week is very light since we are away from home for the better part of those days. However, on Saturdays and Sundays it is a bit heavier, especially on Sunday when we prepare for the rest of the week. Environmental impact of electricity use During any week we operate a number of appliances. They number approximately ten (10) and are used at least once per week. The table below shows the appliances in use, kilowatt hour (KWh) used along with the number of hours in used for each day during the period July 4 to July 17, 2011. Table 1 - Electricity used during the period July 4 to July 17, 2011 Electricity Usage Day Air Cond (KWh) Time (hr) Stove (KWh) Time (hr) M/Wave (KWh) Time (hr) Washing machine (KWh) Time (hr) Fridge Time (hr) TV (KWh) Time (hr) Laptop (KWh) Time (hr) Lights (KWh) Time (hr) Hair dryer (KWh) Time (hr) Iron (KWh) Time (hr) Total KWh Wattage 400 Â   800 Â   1400 Â   400 Â   725 8 120 Â   50 Â   18 Â   1500 Â   1500 Â   Â   Mon 2 5 0.4 0.5 0.462 0.33 0 Â   5.8 8 0.24 2 0.1 2 0.09 5 0 Â   0 Â   Â   Tues 2 5 0.8 1 0.462 0.33 0 Â   5.8 8 0.24 2 0.05 1 0.108 6 0 Â   0 Â   Â   Wed 1.6 4 0.8 1 0.462 0.33 0 Â   5.8 8 0.24 2 0.05 1 0.108 6 0.25 Â   0 Â   Â   Thur 2 5 0.8 1 0.462 0.33 0 Â   5.8 8 0.24 2 0.075 1.5 0.108 6 0 Â   0 Â   Â   Fri 2 5 0.8 1 0.462 0.33 0 Â   5.8 8 0.24 2 0.05 1 0.108 6 0 Â   0 Â   Â   Sat 2.8 7 1.2 1.5 0 Â   0.8 2 5.8 8 0.48 4 0.1 2 0.126 7 0 Â   2.25 1.5 Â   Sun 2.8 7 2.4 3 0 Â   0 Â   5.8 8 0.84 7 0.15 3 0.144 8 0.75 0.5 0 Â   Â   Mon 1.6 4 0.4 0.5 0.462 0.33 0 Â   5.8 8 0.24 2 0.05 1 0.09 5 0 Â   0 Â   Â   Tues 1.6 4 0.8 1 0.462

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The International Coffee Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The International Coffee Industry - Essay Example In specific reference to the coffee industry, the profit motive of corporations only worsens the conditions of poor coffee farmers who are not compensated in proportion to their hard labor. According to Thomas Friedman, globalization is the â€Å"inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies†¦..the spread of free-market capitalism to virtually every country in the world.† (Friedman, 2000: 7-8). In reference to the international trade facilitated by globalization and the diffusion of geographical boundaries, Mittelman refers to globalization as a historical transformation - â€Å"a political response to the expansion of market power† resulting in a transformation â€Å"in the economy, of livelihoods and modes of existence† (Mittelman, 2000: 6). McMichael also corroborates this market-oriented view, seeing the process of global integration taking place on the basis of â€Å"market rule on a global scale†(McMichael, 2000:149). The be lief in the beneficial effects of free trade that exists today is largely a function of the theory of comparative advantage that underlies the Ricardian model of international trade (Henderson, 1993:827). Comparative advantage is the ability possessed by a particular country to produce a particular good at a lower cost relative to other goods and as compared to other countries that produce the same good. Therefore, comparative advantage possessed in one area of production indicates that the country has some favorable factors working on its behalf or has perfected specialized techniques in the production of that good, so that it is able to produce it more efficiently (Mankiw, 2007: 52). According to Porter (1996:64), â€Å"Competitive strategy is about being different.†Ã‚